Discover digital tools to facilitate funded training online

Learn how to improve and simplify the management of funded training courses thanks to digital strategies and tools made available by the online to facilitate design and reporting. Here are some of the topics that will be covered within the course:

  • What is funded training, how to get funding and what tools to use.
  • Who are the subjects involved in this type of training, who is in charge of its management and to which target it is destined.
  • What are the guidelines for reporting defined by the interprofessional joint funds.
  • Some directives on digital platforms that can be used in order to receive funding and their certifications from different entities.
  • What features should an LMS platform have to use for funded training and how to make the most of it.
  • How reporting works, with presence count and tracking of test results, and design, with insight into the digital tools used and educational goals.

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Guarda il trailer del corso per scoprire gli strumenti digitali per facilitare la formazione finanziata online!

Il corso è totalmente responsive, ovvero accessibile sia da smartphone e desktop, ed è disponibile in italiano e in inglese! Richiedi subito l’accesso gratuito compilando il modulo!

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